
Coimbatore Railway Station becomes visually challenged-friendly

Coimbatore Railway Station becomes visually challenged-friendly

On November 1, Coimbatore Railway Station becomes the first railway station under Southern Railway to become visually challenged-friendly.Team Anuprayaas completed its project to make Coimbatore Railway Station as visually impaired friendly railway stations. This project is executed in association with Southern Railways. Tactile maps, Braille General signs, information boards and Braille-embossed handrails have been installed throughout the railway station. Coimbatore is fourth station in India under the Railways to become visually challenged-friendly following Mysuru, Bengaluru stations in Karnataka and Borivali station in Mumbai, Maharashtra.

Disability Awareness Program

Disability Inclusion and awareness program at GKN Aerospace

5 July, 2020

Disability Awareness program

Disability Awareness Program for GKN Aerospace by Anuprayaas

Pancham Cajla (Founder, Anuprayaas) conducted a session for the employees of KIA Airport Bengaluru

Inclusion and Disability awareness is extremely important for workplaces in order to create a healthy inclusive environment. Anuprayaas conducted Disability Etiquette and Awareness program for the employees of GKN Aerospace Bangalore. Team had a excellent time having healthy discussions and sharing there thoughts.

Disability Awareness Program

Meet Hari Prasad, Visually Impaired Sales Champion at Anuprayaas

27 May, 2019

Disability Awareness program

Meet Hari Prasad, Visually impaired Sales champion handling Braillemate Merchandise by Anuprayaas Stalls Event in Banglore

Pancham Cajla (Founder, Anuprayaas) conducted a session for the employees of KIA Airport Bengaluru


With Braille Facilities, Mumbai’s Borivali Station Becomes Blind-Friendly

Team Anuprayaas in association with Western Railways and Cox & Kings Foundation, made successfully completed the project to make Borivali railway station Blind-Friendly. Borivali Station is Maharashtra’s first station to get Braille Signs and Indicators for Visually Impaired. The Facility was inaugurated by Honorable M.P of Borivali, Mr. Gopal Shetty. The Projects received an overwhelming response from the visually impaired travelers that use local trains to travel in Mumbai. The project aims to encourage the visually impaired travelers to travel independently with minimal assistance for the fellow commuters.

Disability Awareness Program

Disability Awareness program for staff of South Western Railways, Bangalore

30 June, 2018

Disability Awareness program

Disability Awareness Program for South Western Railways Staff by Anuprayaas

Shakti Siera Cajla(Co-Founder,Anuprayaas) conducting session for the staff of South Western Railways.

Photograph by Abhay Rudradev M

Anuprayaas conducted Disability Etiquette and Awareness program for the staff of South Western Railways Bangalore. The program was designed for the staff of Indian railways, to cover the interaction points and do’s and don’ts of behavior while interacting with people with disability. Indian Railways is the largest government office that interacts with lakhs of people traveling on daily basis.

“As an Organisation we should be empathetic and give our best to help people with disability traveling with Indian Railways”

While addressing the staff after the session, Mr. Suvankar Biswas touched on the importance of proactive approach for the staff. He emphasized that the staff should proactively make sure that the facilities provided for people with disability, including Special Coaches, reserved seats, toilets for people with disability, are utilized only by disabled people and not the abled public. He also acknowledged the tremendous effort made by the department to verify fraud applications while issuing the concession passes for the people with disability so that they can make sure that the facilities provided by government reach people with disability.

Disability Awareness Program

Disability Awareness Session at Infosys Limited

Anuprayaas is committed to Sensitize society towards, people with Disability. It becomes possible for us to move forward in our mission only with the immense support that we receive. We extremely thank full to INFOSYS Limited to provide us yet another opportunity to talk as a guest speaker about our work at Anuprayaas on 8th MARCH AT REVERB 2018 conducted by Engineering Department, Infosys. We are grateful and want to thank Mr Chiranjeet Anil and Mr Kumar Mohit who made this event possible for us. We thank them for going an extra mile make sure that we get an opportunity to spread awareness. Kumar Mohit has been an Important Core member of Anuprayaas, dedicated and working with Anuprayaas right from the Inception of Anuprayaas. We aim to reach maximum people in our effort to spread awareness and look forward to conduct more sensitization session on the same.


Braille Signs installed to make KRS Railway Station Bangalore Blind Friendly

Anuprayaas in Collaboration with South Western Railways provided Navigation Facilities for visually impaired at Krantivira Sangolli Rayanna railway station, Majestic, Bangalore. The Facility was inaugurated by Mr. Sanjeev Agrawal (DRM, Bangalore) on 14 March 2017.


Accessible Campus: Tilak Nagar Blind School Mysore Accessible and Blind Friendly

Anupryaas provided navigation facilities, Braille Signages & Tactile Map at the School to make it Accessible. These facilities help the students to navigate easily through the campus. The Work also included basic repair of the school premises to making it accessible. The facilities were inaugurated on 15 August 2016. Anuprayaas organized Independence day event ‘Jashn-e-Hind‘ at the school premises. Blind Cricket match was played between Tilak Nagar blind school team and Team Anuprayaas who played blindfolded. A friendly match was played in true sportsman spirit, It was the sweetest defeat Anuprayaas team had. Team Tilak Nagar school won the match. Anuprayaas also donated 5 Blind cricket balls to the School Team. Also, we would like to thank all the people who generously supported the cause and those who bought products from BrailleMate which helped us to raise funds for the project. Anuprayaas Team Mysore under the supervision of Mr. Gautham Kannan Executed the project.


India’s First Blind Friendly Train

Anuprayaas assisted South Western Railways in introducing India’s First Blind Friendly Train. It is one of the significant steps taken to realize our Dream of Accessible India, where Visually Impaired & blind can commute freely with minimum assistance. It will not only aid them but also encourage them to be independent and confident. Mysore-Varanasi Express was fitted metallic Braille signs within all its coaches. This signage will help blind & visual impaired to easily locate their seats, coach & facilities available on the train while travelling. Anuprayaas aims at providing facilities through out the county. This initiative not only helps blind but also serves the purpose of creating awareness among people.


Accessible India – Blind Friendly Mysore Railway Station

“Sympathizing with blind people is like wanting them to depend on you for longer and that is a sadistic mentality. Instead, we should work on how to make them feel independent,”

Anuprayaas along with South-Western Railway Successfully completed the Project to make Mysore Railway Station visually impaired friendly. The Facility was inaugurated on November 3, 2015.

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