Braille Signs get installed at CM Patel & F H Shah College of Commerce Gujarat

Imagine your child going to a school that has no class room or washroom signs. Imagine leaving the child to his/her own or dependent on others to figure out facilities in the school. You may call it harassment and abuse. Some of us might even complain and protest against it. There are lakhs of blind and visually impaired students studying in our country in schools that have no signs to help them.

We at Anuprayaas have pledged this year to make 100 schools accessible. Starting with CM Patel & F H Shah College of Commerce Gujarat, that reached out to us for providing them with basic signs in braille. We are looking forward to adopting 99 more schools and colleges this year that have students with visual disability and making them accessible. Reach out to us if you know such schools. Also, reach out to us if you would like to partner for the project.

Funds for these projects are being raised through our braille merchandise initiative “Braillemate” that helps us spread awareness on Visual impairment and contributes to our projects.

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