
Accessible Campus: Tilak Nagar Blind School Mysore Accessible and Blind Friendly

Anupryaas provided navigation facilities, Braille Signages & Tactile Map at the School to make it Accessible. These facilities help the students to navigate easily through the campus. The Work also included basic repair of the school premises to making it accessible. The facilities were inaugurated on 15 August 2016. Anuprayaas organized Independence day event ‘Jashn-e-Hind‘ at the school premises. Blind Cricket match was played between Tilak Nagar blind school team and Team Anuprayaas who played blindfolded. A friendly match was played in true sportsman spirit, It was the sweetest defeat Anuprayaas team had. Team Tilak Nagar school won the match. Anuprayaas also donated 5 Blind cricket balls to the School Team. Also, we would like to thank all the people who generously supported the cause and those who bought products from BrailleMate which helped us to raise funds for the project. Anuprayaas Team Mysore under the supervision of Mr. Gautham Kannan Executed the project.


India’s First Blind Friendly Train

Anuprayaas assisted South Western Railways in introducing India’s First Blind Friendly Train. It is one of the significant steps taken to realize our Dream of Accessible India, where Visually Impaired & blind can commute freely with minimum assistance. It will not only aid them but also encourage them to be independent and confident. Mysore-Varanasi Express was fitted metallic Braille signs within all its coaches. This signage will help blind & visual impaired to easily locate their seats, coach & facilities available on the train while travelling. Anuprayaas aims at providing facilities through out the county. This initiative not only helps blind but also serves the purpose of creating awareness among people.


Accessible India – Blind Friendly Mysore Railway Station

“Sympathizing with blind people is like wanting them to depend on you for longer and that is a sadistic mentality. Instead, we should work on how to make them feel independent,”

Anuprayaas along with South-Western Railway Successfully completed the Project to make Mysore Railway Station visually impaired friendly. The Facility was inaugurated on November 3, 2015.

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