Dehradun Railway Station introduces Braille Signs and Maps for the visually impaired

Braille Signs and Maps were introduced at the station

An initiative to make Indian Railways Inclusive and accessible for people with Disability. Northern railways has taken a great step by providing Braille signs and maps at Dehradun Railway Station. This project is a CSR initiative taken by MakemyTrip Foundation in association with Anuprayaas.

Significance of Dehradun City for people with visual disability

Dehradun city has a great significance for people with visual disabilities. The city has a number of institutions for people who are blind and visually impaired. These include schools like Sharp Memorial School and the National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Visual Disabilities (Divyangjan).

Hence the city railway station is frequently used by visually impaired travellers. The accessibility enhancements in this project empowers visually impaired travellers to travel independently, also it is helping to spread awareness on disability and braille.

Importance of Braille in Public Places

The Provision of braille in public places encourages visually impaired people to get educated in braille since there is a practical use of it that they can make in day-to-day life.

Braille in public places provide sense of security to female travellers to be sure to the room & platform they are heading towards. This becomes extremely important for female travellers travelling in night. Finding out the right toilet or a waiting area will empower them to know where they are being guided, even when they are guided by someone. This will help reduce crime against women with disability.

Watch the video below to know more about the initiative. The video contains feedback from female travellers with visual disability that use the railway station frequently to travel to Dehradun and their hometowns.

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