Disability Awareness Session at Infosys Limited

Anuprayaas is committed to Sensitize society towards, people with Disability. It becomes possible for us to move forward in our mission only with the immense support that we receive. We extremely thank full to INFOSYS Limited to provide us yet another opportunity to talk as a guest speaker about our work at Anuprayaas on 8th MARCH AT REVERB 2018 conducted by Engineering Department, Infosys. We are grateful and want to thank Mr Chiranjeet Anil and Mr Kumar Mohit who made this event possible for us. We thank them for going an extra mile make sure that we get an opportunity to spread awareness. Kumar Mohit has been an Important Core member of Anuprayaas, dedicated and working with Anuprayaas right from the Inception of Anuprayaas. We aim to reach maximum people in our effort to spread awareness and look forward to conduct more sensitization session on the same.

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